Discover East Asia: Language and Culture Immersion Program (with A.A. Degree in Liberal Arts)
Kapolei, Amerika Syarikat
15 up to 24 Months
Sepenuh masa
Minta tarikh akhir permohonan
Minta tarikh mula paling awal
USD 4,250 / per semester
Di kampus
Terokai peluang biasiswa untuk membantu membiayai pengajian anda
Have you ever wanted to go to Japan, China or Korea?
At Hawaii Tokai International College, you have the chance to take your education to the next level by participating in our Discover East Asia (DEA) program! Transcend the classroom and learn the culture, history, and language of a different country!
HTIC is dedicated to helping students become multilingual, culturally aware and enlightened global citizens. This program serves as a gateway for students yearning to discover Eastern traditions for the first time or to deepen their understanding of East Asian cultures. DEA participants will have the opportunity to attend one of the following schools: Tokai University in Japan, Hanyang University in Korea or Shenzhen University in China.
By studying abroad, you will be able to see the world while earning language credits towards your HTIC Associate in Arts degree.
In keeping with its mission as a gateway bridging diverse international perspectives, HTIC offers the Discover East Asia: Language and Culture Immersion Program, which provides students the opportunity to pursue the study of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language and culture as they complete their A.A. degrees. A special highlight of the program is the opportunity to study abroad – in China at Shenzhen University, in Japan at Tokai University, or in South Korea at Hanyang University – in intensive language classes. In addition to meeting the requirements for any of the three (3) degree options, Discover East Asia Program participants must:
- Take Japanese 101, Chinese 101, or Korean 101 at HTIC, or pass a placement test demonstrating equivalent ability in of one of these languages, before leaving for study;
- Earn three credits in one of the three languages during the study abroad;
- Ambil sekurang-kurangnya enam kredit tambahan di HTIC berkaitan Asia Timur, kursus 3 kredit dalam bidang sejarah, sains politik, seni, agama, antropologi atau kesusasteraan sebelum atau selepas pengalaman belajar di luar negara;
- Upon return to HTIC, give a presentation, in the language studied, at Presentation Day; and
- Submit a cross-cultural reflection paper or similar project discussing the study abroad experience.
Perjalanan & Perumahan
- Discover East Asia participants are responsible for their own travel arrangements to China, Japan or Korea. The price of the student’s ticket is not reflected in the tuition price.
- Participants are responsible for purchasing appropriate travel and health insurance to cover them the entire duration of their DEA program.
- Participants will be billed for residence hall rooms and housing-related costs by the institution that is hosting the student.
Certificates of Completion
Students who successfully complete the Discover East Asia program will receive Certificates of Completion with their Associate in Arts diplomas.
Yuran Pengajian Program
English Language Requirements
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