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Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci Intensive Italian Language Course
Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci

Intensive Italian Language Course

1 up to 48 Weeks


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* see the program description


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Intensive Italian Language Course

Ditawarkan oleh sekolah kami di Florence, Milan, Rom, Turin dan Viareggio.

The Intensive Italian Language Course is our standard course and consists of 4 Italian lessons a day, totaling 20 lessons a week. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes.

The classes are held from Monday to Friday in groups of no more than 14 students, led by qualified teachers, who are passionate about their work. They are made up of people from all over the world and from different age groups.

The lessons begin every Monday for students that already have some knowledge of the Italian language, and every two weeks for absolute beginners. They are principally based on spoken communication, but also deal with the more formal aspects of the language (lexis/vocabulary and grammar). Lots of time is dedicated to activities that encourage dialogue and discussion about various topics, from art and literature to modern city culture.

Buku teks disediakan oleh pihak sekolah dan termasuk dalam harga kursus. Guru kami bukan sahaja menggunakan buku teks ini, tetapi juga bahan sokongan lain (artikel akhbar, lagu, filem, dan bahan tulen lain daripada kehidupan seharian) untuk memberi peluang kepada pelajar untuk melibatkan diri dengan pelbagai bentuk komunikasi kontemporari dan meningkatkan kebolehan komunikasi mereka. Peraturan emas kami ialah: guru adalah pengarah, tetapi kumpulan pelajar adalah protagonis sebenar pelajaran!

Apart from studying the language, there is still lots of time for culture, sport, and fun! The school organizes loads of extracurricular activities in the afternoons and evenings, allowing students to discover the city, visit museums and exhibitions and enjoy daily life! In addition, there are a cinema discussion group, weekend excursions, visits to typical wine cellars and workshops, group 'aperitivi' drinks, and trattoria dinners…because part of learning a language is also living and enjoying the culture!

Our Intensive Italian Language Course can be taken for a minimum of one week up to 48 weeks (“Sabbatical Year”). Please note that the more that you stay with us, the more you save, as the price per week is smaller for longer bookings!

Recommended for: those students who want to either start or go on studying Italian through an intensive program that still leaves plenty of time to discover the artistic and historic marvels of the territory and also to have some fun!

Tarikh mula pada 2022

Non-beginners: every Monday

Pemula mutlak: 03 Januari / 17 Januari / 31 Januari / 07 Februari / 21 Februari / 07 Mac / 21 Mac / 28 Mac / 11 April / 26 April / 02 Mei / 16 Mei / 30 Mei / 06 Jun / 20 Jun / 04 Julai / 18 Julai / 01 Ogos / 16 Ogos / 29 Ogos / 05 September / 19 September / 03 Oktober / 17 Oktober / 31 Oktober / 14 November / 28 November / 12 Disember

Yuran Pengajian Program

English Language Requirements

Sahkan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris anda dengan Ujian Bahasa Inggeris Duolingo! DET ialah ujian Bahasa Inggeris dalam talian yang mudah, pantas dan berpatutan yang diterima oleh lebih 4,000 universiti (seperti ini) di seluruh dunia.

Ambil ujian latihan percuma!

Mengenai Sekolah


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  • Bahasa asing di Unisabana
    • Chía, Colombia
  • Sekolah Bahasa Itali untuk Warga Asing
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  • Tahun Asas
    • Pavia, Itali