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Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci International Medical Admissions Test – IMAT – Preparation Course in English
Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci

International Medical Admissions Test – IMAT – Preparation Course in English

3 Weeks


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EUR 1,780 *

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* a registration fee of 70 Euro, valid for 12 months, must be paid for any enrolment


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International Medical Admissions Test – IMAT – Preparation Course in English

Offered by our schools in Milan and Rome.

Italian Universities of Bari, Milan, Pavia, Rome La Sapienza, Rome Tor Vergata, and Seconda Università of Naples are now offering undergraduate Medicine and Surgery courses taught in English. In order to access these academic programs, applicants have to pass IMAT, International Medical Admissions Test, the official Entry test developed by the Italian Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MIUR) in cooperation with Cambridge Assessment’s Admissions Testing Service. Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci organizes a specific University Preparation Corse for IMAT, aiming to provide scientific and logical critical skills to all foreign students willing to attempt IMAT in order to enter an Italian Medicine Faculty.

Main subject areas:

  • Thinking Skills / Math / Physics: 63 lessons
  • Biology: 40 lessons
  • Chemistry: 30 lessons
  • General knowledge: 7 lessons

The lessons are focused on the topics contained in the test and are held entirely in English. Our teachers are university tutors, MBA students, or researchers. Apart from the IMAT preparation, the school is glad to offer a wide range of free-time activities available for all the students to join.

Duration: 3 weeks

Tarikh pada 2022: 04 – 22 Julai, 01 - 19 Ogos

Yuran Pengajian Program

English Language Requirements

Sahkan penguasaan bahasa Inggeris anda dengan Ujian Bahasa Inggeris Duolingo! DET ialah ujian Bahasa Inggeris dalam talian yang mudah, pantas dan berpatutan yang diterima oleh lebih 4,000 universiti (seperti ini) di seluruh dunia.

Ambil ujian latihan percuma!

Mengenai Sekolah


Kursus Serupa

  • Summer School Menemui Biologi Sel: Kursus Asas dalam Pengendalian Kultur Sel dan Ujian Daya Tahan Sel
    • Pisa, Itali
    • Baratti, Itali
    • + 2 lebih
  • Summer School From Genes To Cells: A Basic Course of Molecular, Cellular and Ultrastructural Biology
    • Pisa, Itali
    • Baratti, Itali
    • + 2 lebih
  • Teori dan Amalan Sekolah Musim Sejuk dalam Penghantaran dan Mengimbas Mikroskopi Elektron
    • Pisa, Itali
    • Baratti, Itali
    • + 2 lebih